Sunday, April 21, 2013

Blessings and Cursings

I know that God answers prayers.  I know this because Simon, who frequently has pee accidents but never, ever has poop accidents, just pooped all over my bathroom floor.  That might not seem like the kind of answer that anybody would be looking for, but it was exactly what I needed.  Because at a recent doctor appointment, I was asked to secure a stool sample from my very opinionated two-year-old.  I think there's a good possibility that the combination of Simon's age and his personality make him the most difficult human in existence to get a sample of this nature from.  At least top ten.  And I have been trying for a solid month (so maybe the appointment wasn't so recent) with no success and some hints that we might be causing long-term trauma.  For him and for me.  But today, Simon pooped all over the floor.  And it was the best thing that happened all day.


candice said...

Ummm, gross and hurray?? :)

Erin said...

I hope you have no more days where poop on the floor is the highlight.

Kara said...

Pretty hilarious for those of us not needing to clean up. :) Your writing is fantastic and that photo is adorable.

I'll never forget needing a pee sample from three year-old Brooklyn in France. We were at a public park when she FINALLY consented to go. Once victory was finally in hand, Jason accidentally dropped it in communal Turkish toilet. Sad day!