Monday, July 2, 2012


Today, I took the kids to Target.  Everybody got a new toothbrush.  Except for Ivy, who has no teeth.  Asher picked one with Sally (Lightning McQueen's girlfriend from the Disney Cars movie) on it because she's blue and blue is Asher's favorite color because it matches his eyes.  (Really.)  He generally gets to pick first when there's anything to pick since he's, well, the pickiest.  In this instance, though, I didn't think that Asher's selection would affect Simon at all since he was sure to want Lightning McQueen or Mater anyway.  Except he didn't.  He reached around both of my outstretched offerings and pointed to a toothbrush bearing the visage of Tigger.  It turns out that Simon hasn't heard that Cars is cooler than Winnie the Pooh yet.  Or maybe he just doesn't care.  Here's hoping that he shows the same resistance to peer pressure when he's a teenager.


Auntie Carina said...

Haha! Yeah! Go, Simon! I think Tigger fits him. Plus, the colors look lovely with his skin. :)

Ben said...

(Late supportive comment of post I read when it first appeared.)