Saturday, May 5, 2012

Some thoughts...

...from our family's newest four-year-old:
Asher: Mommy, your hair is getting pretty long. Me: Do you like it? Asher: No. I think it's boring.
Asher: I just love the number nine. It looks like such a happy number.
Asher (in an attempt to convince his aunt, Carina, that she should let him hold her iPod): I know it's yours, but we need to share.
Asher (upon hearing that we had named his new baby sister Ivy): Well, I'm going to call her "April," but you guys can call her "Ivy" if you want to.
Asher (hearing that Simon, Ivy and I had gone to a friend's house while he was at a preschool field trip): But why didn't you just stay home and clean?
Aunt Carina: Asher, you go build your lego space shuttle and come get me if you get stuck. Asher: But if I get stuck, and something captures me, I won't be able to come get you.
Asher: I wish that our teeth weren't hard.
Asher (advising his aunt, Carina, while she wrote a letter): You should write something funny, but you should show it to me first. Carina: Why's that? Asher: so that I can make sure that it is funny.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

So funny! Can't wait until Jenna says stuff like that. Congrats on your new little one! She is beautiful.