With childbirth, as with many things in life, our expectations shape the way that we perceive reality. For example, if you expect a twelve-hour labor on or shortly after your due date, then a three-hour labor a few days before your due date will seem like a walk in the park. If, however, you are expecting a three-hour labor shortly before your due date, but end up with a twelve-hour labor eight days after your due date, you might find yourself grumbling by hour nine. Or at least I did.
The upside is that I was blessed with a whole hospital-full of extremely kind and accommodating doctors and nurses. Plus, I had plenty of time to dream about all of the things that I would eat as soon as it was all over.
Also, I would just like to say that continuous fetal monitoring (for bundles of joy arriving more than a week late) is yucky, but that hot water is just about the best thing in the universe. Right after healthy, happy babies.
Ivy Elizabeth 7lbs. 2 oz., 18 inches |
She is lovely! I love the name and I think you made a perfect choice despite all your name anxiety. Sorry you had the late and long labor this time around--seems so backwards! Girls like to do it their own way, I guess.
By far, the cutest niece on the planet! Hooray for Ivy Elizabeth!
Lovely! Congrats! And enjoy the post-baby buffet :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so glad that she is finally here! She is beautiful and I love the name. Congrats again!!
She's adorable! Happiest congratulations!
She is absolutely beautiful. You guys have a real knack for coming up with great names for your kids. Seriously, I want to steal them all. :)
Can't wait to meet Ivy! She's teeny! (although I'm sure it didn't feel that way during delivery) Congratulations!
She is beautiful! Congrats! I love the name.
She is beautiful!! I LOVE her name. I'm crazy about it. Well done. I hope you're resting! :)
Way to go Mama!! I couldn't stop thinking about you and this baby girl...wondering when she'd make her debut! I look forward to hearing more details about your labor!
Was Ivy born on the 19th?
I'd love to bring you a meal, so let me know when an appropriate time would be!
Much love,
She is stunning! :)
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