Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Motherhood Moment

Today was the first time that Asher was old enough to go up and sing with the primary kids during Sacrament meeting.  I missed it because just when it was almost time for the primary song, Ivy suddenly insisted that she needed to be fed right NOW.  And as I sat in the mothers' lounge (all alone, because somehow none of the other mommies were stuck in there just then), I cried thinking about how I was missing this big moment in his life.

Then I got back to the chapel and discovered that Asher had refused to go up anyway.  Turns out I didn't miss much.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Classic motherhood moment, I suppose. I had to take my child out while he was screaming during "Love at Home" because Matt was helping to bless the Sacrament. Happy Mother's Day to us, as we fulfill the wondrous duties of motherhood ;)