Why Asher is No Longer Allowed to Go to the Craft Store
This afternoon, I took my children to the craft store to look for some things to finish up a home decor project. This turned out to be an egregious mistake.
For a while, I strolled leisurely up and down the aisles, looking for whatever should happen to strike me. Both children were behaving very well. Simon sat quietly in his car seat in the shopping cart, playing with a toy. Asher walked alongside me, pointing out objects he liked, such as trees and balls and airplanes.
After a while, Simon started to get restless, so I strapped Asher into the shopping cart and picked Simon up. Asher wanted to look at some wooden bird houses, so I set the shopping cart near them and glanced around the corner at some promising-looking craft-related objects.
In a few seconds, I heard, "Mommy, I spilled on myself." While I hear these words often, and they are generally nothing to fear, I found them very disturbing at this moment because I had not given Asher anything that he could potentially spill.
I turned around to see him holding an open bottle of acrylic paint which he had managed to reach from the cart, and then pour down his front. His shirt and pants were covered in paint. More paint was splashed onto the seat of the shopping cart and was dripping onto the floor.
After staring at Asher for a few moments in utter shock, I strapped Simon back into his car seat, took the paint away and set it in a safe place, moved the shopping cart out of reach of any merchandise (dripping all the way), wiped Asher's hands with baby wipes, placed them on either side of the cart, forbade him to move them, and then went to find a store employee to alert them to the mess.
The two ladies who came to take care of the mess were very kind. They told me not to worry about anything, brought me a plastic bag for Asher's clothes, tried to soothe Simon (who was screaming by now, angry to be stuck in a stationary car seat for so long), and apologized several times (as if their store had somehow attacked my toddler rather than the other way around).
Not too much later we left the store with Asher stripped down to his diaper and his socks and shoes (which were miraculously spared) and headed home for a wardrobe change. I actually managed to get most of the paint out of his shirt.
Now our friend the Jack-o-lantern just looks like he has Halloween candy stuck in his teeth. The pants, on the other hand, are toast. Any idea what I should do with these?
If Asher had just chosen a manlier color, he could have worn these and gone for that whole "distressed" look.
Yeah, not so manly :). Donate it to a sweet little girlfriend?
I can't believe your outing. Andrew came with me to the craft store the other day and he took off down the aisle while I was paying at the end. Thankfully I didn't have to search too long for him, but I had Emma in the snugli so I had to sneak up behind him or else he could outrun me. Your story totally beats that!
Eh, just let him wear them on the days you don't go out. It's not like wearing pink is going to scar him.
I remember Scott had peed his pants when he was 3 or so. There were no other pants available except for his cousin Claire's jeans with purple glitter designs all over them. He reluctantly put them on, walked into the living room and announced "nobody look at my pants"
Craft store trauma! You could take him back, but insist that he wear gloves, so he can't open anything. You could save those jeans to be his "painting clothes", if he needs such a thing. Painting clothes are manly, regardless of color.
Put on the pants, take of the shirt, give him a bandanna and a rock-band style guitar. Hello Axl.
Kris, send me the pants. I will fix them and make them looked manly and distressed--free of charge! :)
dye 'em black
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