I haven't posted anything here for quite some time because we have been on vacation. For the last month. You may be wondering how anybody could possibly get so much time off from work. I will tell you: It turns out you get unlimited vacation days when you're unemployed. A couple of months ago, Hugh and his employer came to a mutual agreement that it was time to see other people. We decided to take advantage of this break in income.... I mean, time constraints... to visit our families. So we flew out to Florida to visit Hugh's parents, and then to Utah to visit my family. We did a handful of things, like go to Seaworld, the zoo, and BYU, but mostly we just hung out. And it was glorious.
Everyone seems to think I should be worried about the fact that we currently have no source of income, but I'm not. Hugh was working ridiculous hours at a job he hated, and now he's not. I'm convinced that's a positive change.
Plus, if we don't find another job soon, we can always go on another extended vacation to Grandma's house.
(Caution: The following pictures are completely unrelated to this post and are for your viewing pleasure only.)

(The sign says that children who are allowed to touch things in the store will be fed to the dragon in the cellar.)

OH my gosh your boys are ADORABLE!! Simon does look like Tommy (i thought Sue was crazy when she told me this)! I love love love love the photos---that family one is lovely.
Okay, that last photo is just adorable!
What darling boys! Enjoy your siesta from the work force - now that our unemployment season has ended, we realize we should have enjoyed the time off a little more, and stressed a lot less!
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