When I was a kid (maybe ten or twelve), I remember realizing that my mother did most of the work taking care of us and yet nobody acted particularly pleased by her presence. However, as in many homes, I'm sure, at the first creak of the garage door there was a mad rush to be the first to greet my dad. While I realized that my dad was also doing something important by providing for us (I liked having a house to live in and clothes to wear as much as the next kid.), it struck me as unfair that he got all the hype while my mom mostly got griped and whined at.
When Asher got old enough to join the daily mass of evening daddy celebrators across the nation(It turns out that isn't very old.), I discovered that it didn't make me sad at all. I was tired of dealing with him and Hugh could have him all evening if he wanted.
Since Hugh has been home more during the last couple of months, though, Asher has become more and more attached to him, rather than less. He started out just wanting to know where Daddy was every second. Then he whined when Daddy had to go do something other than play with him. Now it seems like he is trying to phase interaction with Mommy out of his life altogether.
The other day, he bumped his head. When I asked if he was okay, he said, "NO! I don't want to talk to you about it. I want to talk to Daddy!"
Today when I went in to let him up from his nap, he started crying, insisting that Daddy come and get him instead.
All day long, he is insisting that I go away, stop talking, or not touch him and his belongings, wanting Hugh to do everything for and with him instead. While I don't give in to all of these silly demands, it's still rather disheartening.
I wonder how long it would take the little stinker to miss me if I really left. Maybe forever.... in which case, maybe I shouldn't try it.
At least Simon still likes me.
Well said! I can totally relate. Jack says all the time that Daddy is his "partner." When I ask him if I can be his partner, he says that Grace can be, but I can't! He says, "I still really like you, but only Daddy and Grace can be my partners." Sad, huh?
That's funny---well like it or not, daddy is and probably will always be the novelty. I wouldn't take it personally :) Moms are just too boring (haha)
PS I love your headings---"betrayal" sounds so compelling and mysterious.
Just a phase. Wait til he's on his mission - then he'll be sorry and he'll miss you like crazy. If he's amazing, maybe he'll clue in to how great you are before then...
As one who has been the favorite parent at points, as well as the betrayed one, I tell you to enjoy being betrayed! It's not terribly fun to be the only one allowed to change the diaper, the only one to get the snacks, the only one to read stories, etc.
I just watched my neighbor go through this with her little girl. The apartment walls are thin so I got the ¿privilege? of listening to many of the louder tantrums whenever the father had to leave for work. It really hurt her no matter how much she knew it was a passing phase.
I'm sorry. I hope he starts wanting you more soon!
Don't worry Kris, even Hugh is left behind in the dust when spells of Aunt Carina adoration set in. :)
Dads are friends; Moms are Mommys. You will still be the one he misses at school, who knows how to fix his dinner just right (gravy + peas = poison!) and will be the leading woman in his life for at least the next 19 years.
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