Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Announcement

Dear universe,

I am pregnant.

I was going to write a very clever post to subtly proclaim my news to the world.  I even had a couple of different ones all planned out in my head.  ("Look!  I scrubbed my whole house and did all of the laundry and ironing and solved world hunger!  I must be ready for another baby!" or "Look at this marvelous sewing project I did for my children.  Wait, did I make an extra one?  No, I didn't!")  But, as it turns out, being pregnant makes you tired.  And sick.  And I have had a more difficult time than I hoped mustering the energy to save the world one wrinkled shirt or crafty project at a time.

I am feeling much better now.  Thank you for asking.  But as I emerge from the "morning" sickness fog, I am realizing that I've gotten just a little bit behind in a few areas.  Amazing feats of cleaning, sewing, and the like might have to be put off while I pull it all back together, and you really didn't want to wait that long to hear about it, did you?

I didn't think so.



Talyn said...


Aunt Been said...

I hope it's an infant! Those are my favorite kind of baby!

t.t.turner said...

Congratulations! So exciting!

Tanya S. said...


Noelle said...

Congratulations!!! :)

Marianne said...

Yay! Congratulations!

Thomas Spackman said...

Moms and expectant Moms are proof of the saying that most of the work in this world is done by folks who are tired or don't feel good.

By the way, we'd like a girl or a boy. Maybe both but only if you insist. We're very excited for you all!

Lisa said...

Yay! Another "great" baby to come and visit Great Uncle Vaughn and Great Aunt Lisa!! Hope you are feeling better soon. Hugs to you and the family!

Bethany said...

Congratulations! Hope the icky days are soon a thing of the past. I had one person explain it perfectly: "I found out I was pregnant in July, and I woke up in October." It is a foggy first few months indeed :)

Erin said...

Yay, yay, YAY! Glad the fog is clearing. What do the boys say about it?

Ben said...

Wait, so what you're saying is... this is... an announcement?

Ashley Bybee Stepp said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you and Hugh! CONGRATS!