Monday, November 29, 2010

Dear Hugh, Please Do Not Come Home Without Chocolate

Things we have at our house today:
  • a teething baby
  • a toddler who refused to nap
  • a very tired mommy
Things we do not have at our house today:
  • a car
  • sunshine
  • chocolate


Talyn said...

I had that sort of day myself. Hopefully Hugh is reading this, or intuitive.

t.t.turner said...

This just may be my favorite blog post of all time.

Erin said...

Uh oh, sounds like a rough day. Do you have baking cocoa? You can make really good easy brownies if you have baking cocoa. Baking cocoa and plain yogurt can make some yummy fudgy chocolate cookies. I have recipes if you need them.

Melanie said...

Hang in there Kristi! I know how you feel! I sure miss you :)

Sara Hammond said...

(Not-so-)Secret messages to my husband=best reason to start a blog I've seen yet!

candice said...

At least they're cute :)

Been said...

I will trade you. We have chocolate but are lacking in burritos!

Hugh said...

Operation Husband to the Rescue was a success: Cherry Garcia, Ghirardelli's Dark & Mint chocolates, and EatPrayLove.

Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

Hey Kristi,
Well I have something to brighten your chocolate-less day- you won the Sweet Pea giveaway on my blog! Shoot me an email {craftaholicsanon at gmail . com to claim your 3 patterns.