Monday, August 17, 2009

He Speaks

Over the last couple of weeks, Asher has suddenly started talking up a storm. He says a myriad of words including truck, duck, vroom, shoes, teeth, eye, nose, mouth, on, up, hat, please, and, of course, NO. He also says some things in Spanish like agua (water), ven (come), pan (bread), and baila (dance). Granted, some of these words sound much more like the actual word than others, but it's a work in progress. Here he is saying a couple of his favorites:
This is both exciting and adorable, but sometimes it can also start to grate on your ears, like when he says, "ball? ball? ball? ball?" over and over throughout an entire twenty-minute car ride no matter how many times you say, "Yep. That's right. That was a ball." In all fairness, other mommies did warn me that once he started talking I wouldn't be able to get him to stop. Still, he and his budding verbal skills are pretty cute, and it's fun to watch people melt when they greet him and he grins and says "hi" right back.


Erin said...

More! More! I think I'd like to see banana bailando. Although it might, uh, beautify your carpet in ways you don't like.

t.t.turner said...

He is going to be one smart kid - I love their little voices. He's getting so big!

Talyn said...

Mmmm... Spaghetti and bananas.

Becca said...

That is the cutest thing I've seen all week. Oh my gosh.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Also, says video not available...

Cawina Beena Esquire III said...

Yep, it's official, I have the cutest nephew on the face of the planet. I watched that like three times! HAHA

Ashley Bybee Stepp said...

Hugh, you're going to corrupt your child into thinking banana is pronounced banananananananana. LOL!