A week ago, I was scrubbing my kitchen. I had just finished wiping the last spot off the floor and I stood up to marvel at my triumph... only to hit my head on the door of a cupboard that I had left open and then bleed all over my freshly cleaned floor. Despite the mess, the cut really wasn't that bad, and after Hugh consulted Doctor Grandpa, I took some tylenol, iced the sore area, and called it a night.
That should have been enough to teach me to beware of open drawers and cupboards, but apparently it wasn't, and, yesterday morning, Asher cut his forehead on the corner of his open toy drawer. I would tell you how it happened but I honestly can't remember. All I remember is screaming and blood... lots of blood.
Luckily, Asher's cut turned out to be pretty minor too, and even though I took him to Urgent Care to have it looked at, I was actually a little embarrassed to have come at all once the nurse had cleaned it up really well and it was obvious that it was small and not very deep. Better safe than sorry, I suppose.
Despite the fact that we managed to escape both cases of cabinetry attacks with no lasting damage to ourselves or our belongings (I can recommend a good laundry stain remover, if you're in the market.), I urge you to be cautious because drawers and cupboards can be quite vicious if left open.

Oh man! Two in one week! Sounds vicious. I have bonked my head on numerous occasions but never enough to draw blood. I'm curious as to the stain remover though... it must be nice to have a doctor Grandpa in the family. :)
I think they're coming for me next...
Ouch! I think I'll freak the first time I see blood coming from Gabriel!
I love the Paper Bag Princess. Great costumes.
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