I have lost count of how many (well-meaning, I'm sure) people have looked at my fussing child (who, by the way has just eaten) and said, "he must be hungry." How on earth would they know? Recently, I was at the grocery store with Asher, who was sick of being in the grocery cart and was just starting to get tired. He wasn't crying outright, but he was starting to fuss quietly off and on. The very nice woman behind me in the check-out line decided that she knew just how to cheer him up, and (without asking me about it, of course) put her face right up to Asher's, and started talking to him in a strange voice. The result? Hysterical crying, causing me to have to pick up my poor, abused child and hold him while finishing checking out so as to remove him from the scary stranger's clutches.
And what do I say to these random people who don't know my son from Adam? What I would like to say, is "please do not touch or breathe into the face of my baby, and leave the care and comforting of him to me." But instead, I plaster on a smile and say something like, "he's just tired," so that the scary stranger who made my baby cry won't feel like it's their fault.
One of these times, though... grrrrr...

I HATED getting comments like that! I can't keep track of how many times someone told me my boy looked hungry/tired/teething/feverish/sick/etc. I try to keep my mouth closed around other people when they have fussy kids now.
Thanks for the offer...but Provo didn't work out so well for me in that department, either. :)
This post is so funny. I can't really relate though. People just aren't that intrusive here i guess. Lucky me :)
I got the "must be hungry" comment from a Wendy's drive through lady once who could hear Caitlyn screaming through the intercom. She was just mad that we weren't home yet. If I fed her everytime my husband thought crying=hungry though she'd be a fat baby!!
Alena was having a tantrum on the ground during a church basketball game. I was just letting her do her thing. She was mad at me for not letting her run onto the court. No one said anything, but their looks said, "What is wrong with you? Why don't you comfort that child?" The answer, because I don't enjoy being kicked in the face.
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