(The two surviving bowls that you see there were nested inside the shattered bowl. There were no recognizable pieces left of the broken one.) The wreckage was so widespread that it took me half an hour (during which time Asher was happily munching Cheerios in his high chair) to get it all cleaned up, but miraculously, Asher came out unscathed. In all fairness, I have to say that in his first ten months of life, Asher has broken fewer of my belongings than my freshman-year roommates did in the eight months that I lived with them... So maybe if you're really serious about getting rid of your stuff you should just live in a dorm with a bunch of freshmen. :)
In other news, Asher has decided that clapping is one of the best pastimes in the universe. If he claps, and then you clap back at him, he giggles with delight and then claps again, louder than before. In this video, he starts clapping when I ask him to verbally only. I was too busy holding the camera to show him what I wanted... but who knows. It could have been a fluke... or my baby could be a super-genius. :)
And, finally, for your viewing pleasure, I have finally captured our little biped on film. Asher is a little cautious and has entered the pedestrian world very gradually, but he is now a full-blown walker.
Clearly a brilliant child! He's a full blown entertainment center, learning to walk and helping you downsize all at the same time. Yeah for Asher.
Wow, look at him go!
He's an ambulatory super-genius. And cute on top of it all!
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