Thursday, June 9, 2011

Warming Up

So, don't tell Hugh, but I think that maybe I could get used to the Midwest.  Maybe.  The air just doesn't feel as sticky this summer (although Hugh assures me that it is) and my skin seems to agree with me, seeing as how my face has not yet entered the Endless Breakout of Summer like it has the last couple of years.  And even though I still know that the humidity sometimes turns my hair into one big frizzball, it just isn't bothering me much this year.  I'm kind of embracing it.

And when it is overcast for the third day in a row, I think things like, "Hey!  Great day to take outdoor portraits!" and "Oh, good!  The kids won't get sunburned on our walk!" instead of, "Ugh.  How depressing."

And there are just so many animals here.  We've seen several of the usual rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, robins, hawks, geese, ducks, and redwing blackbirds, plus our backyard cardinals and the bluejay who lives in the cemetery nearby.  There was even a raccoon on our back porch last week and we drove by a huge turtle recently.

And if my inability to sense humidity continues, I might be able to really enjoy fall instead of just being horribly homesick for crisp air.

Plus, I'm pretty excited about the fireflies.


Erin said...

I LOVE the Midwest. I always thought Wisconsin was such a beautiful place. My favorite is the yellowish light in the afternoon when the storm clouds are heavy and the wind is thick. Glad you are starting to settle in:)

hilary w said...

I'm glad the midwest is growing on you! That's so cool that you saw a raccoon!