Asher is obsessed with colors. His favorite colors are red (like Lightning McQueen), blue (like the King), and green (like Chick Hicks, of course), but he is excited about all colors and loves to categorize things by color. He asks to eat blackberries out of a black bowl. He enjoys dividing my felt stash up by color and piling toys onto the felt squares that they match (yes, he uses the word match). He wants to sit on my lap because he and I have blue eyes and have Simon sit on Hugh's lap because the two of them have brown eyes. (He also walks up to strangers and asks them what color their eyes are: "What kind of eyes do you have?") He even divides things by "light" and "dark" versions of colors and has started asking me what the names of more specific colors are, such as,
Asher: Mom, what kind of purple is this?
Me: That's lavender.
Asher: Oh, lavender!
Here he is cutting up yellow play dough with all of our yellow cookie cutters, possibly inspired by his yellow shirt.
I made the mistake of showing Asher how to cut shapes out of cheese. He may never be able to eat a square slice of cheese again.
Asher also loves to hide. Here he is hiding in the couch.And, finally, Asher loves to "show me fun games." This generally means that we have an exchange like this:
Asher: Mom, watch me!
Me: Okay, I'm watching.
Asher jumps off of something.
Me: Wow!Asher: Mom, did you watch me?
Me: Yes, I watched you.
Asher: Why did you watch me?
Me: Because you asked me to.
Asher: But why did I ask you?
Me: I don't know. Why did you ask me?
Asher: Mom, watch me!
repeated approximately seventeen (billion) times.
Simon is starting to cruise along the furniture. He has also cut three teeth this week, bringing him to a total of five. He loves to shake his head, then wait for you to shake your head, and then shake his again. He also loves to stick out his tongue and has figured out how to climb up the stairs (although he generally seems to think it isn't worth the effort). In the last few weeks since his ears have cleared up, he has become quite playful, and occasionally even giggly. He has also started babbling like a maniac. I am still shocked sometimes by how happy this new, not-in-pain Simon is. Unfortunately, he's had some cold symptoms for the last couple of days and today he suddenly became a little fussier and started rubbing his ear, so it looks like we're probably headed back to the doctor's office. But at least winter is almost over, right? (ha!)
Thanks to ear infection version 5.0 (or maybe it's just all those teeth. right? maybe?), Simon isn't in the mood to demonstrate his babbling today but here's a video from a week and a half ago of his monkey impersonation.
And, since you asked last time, I really did make a movie of Asher after I was done making one of Simon. And yes, he is almost always that good at waiting for things (almost). He's pretty much my angel child. Er, but don't tell Simon I said that. He also almost always has to do whatever anybody else is doing, so since Simon got to be the star of an animal-sound movie, Asher wanted his moment in the spotlight as well.
And there you have it: a snapshot into my life brought to you by the burritos. This moment of idyllic repose is now over. You may now return to your regularly scheduled super-exciting life.
Charming lads, the two of them!
Love it! (I think I leave the same comment every time.)
I think the color stuff is so cute! I love that he sorts you by eye color and wants to know the different shades. Keep posting--I really enjoy your stories.
Love these boys!
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