Monday, November 22, 2010

Un Himno

Every night, before we put the boys in bed, we say a prayer, read or talk about a few verses of scripture, and then sing a song. Whenever we ask Asher what song he would like to sing, he says, "un himno." (a hymn) When we ask him which hymn he would like, he always requests "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet." (Most times that we don't ask him what he wants to sing, it results in frantic cries of, "No, no, no! 'We Thank Thee, O God for a Prophet'!!!" competing with the the first few lines of our alternate song choice.) I'm pretty sure that I've sung that particular song about a billion times in the last month alone. But recently, the repetition suddenly became significantly less annoying because Asher started singing along.
One hymn down, 340 to go.
For information about modern-day prophets and the other blessings Asher loves to sing about, go here.


Erin said...

Woohoo! Future choir member!

navajotwin said...

I remember Angie and me singing that to him with you two 2 years ago! How wonderful that now's he's joining in! :)

Future choir member indeed.

Aunt Been said...

So...when are you sending him here to play? Goodness that burrito is cute!!

The Royal Buffington's said...

Awww...that was precious (or precioso!)

Ashley Bybee Stepp said...

Adorable! That should be highlighted on Who could resist such a cute burrito???