Our ward's Halloween party was on Friday. I was looking forward to going. I made costumes. I signed up to bring chili. Then, Asher woke up in the middle of the night Thursday night with a nasty cough. As in, we-almost-took-him-to-the-emergency-room-because-he-couldn't-breathe nasty. So the party was out. All day long on Saturday I kept thinking, "Wasn't I looking forward to something? Wasn't something fun supposed to be happening?" Then I would remember that it was already over, and that we had stayed home with coughing burritos. The good news is, I still got some pictures. Behold, The Burrito and his sidekick Mini Burrito:

The bad news is that I set the candy that I bought for the party out on our porch and nobody came to take any, so I still have a bucket full of candy. Smarties, anyone?
Nice costumes!
I love the Big B, little b. Good work! Did you just wing the sewing part or did you have a pattern to follow?
Pout! :( Poor burrito! I LOVE the costumes though--SO very cute! :)
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