Monday, August 9, 2010

Shameless Bribery

The older Asher gets, the less cooperative he is when I want to take his picture. Usually this isn't too big of a deal because I just take the camera outside, let Asher run around and play, and quietly snap away. This doesn't work so well, however, when I want a picture of both of my children together. For this reason, I didn't manage to take many pictures of the two of them for quite a while, and none of the dual-burrito pictures I had taken are very pretty. Yesterday afternoon, however, I finally broke down and purchased Asher's cooperation. with chocolate chips. Me: Asher, if you sit here by Simon and let me take your picture, I'll give you a chocolate chip. Asher: OK!!Too bad he won't be bought off so cheaply forever.


Carina, the beena, Esq. III said...

I read your blog and was so excited to hear of your bribery success that I tried it myself! Sadly,it did not go nearly as well as one would have hoped...

Me: Hey, Mica, if you clean my room,I'll give you a chocolate chip!
Mica: What!? No!
Me: TWO! I'll give you TWO chocolate chips! ...Mica? Micaela, where are you going!? WAIT! THREE!!!

Needless to say, my room has NOT been cleaned...
Oh well...these pictures are ridiculously cute, though! :)

Ben said...

I LOVE the last picture! :-D

candice said...

The pictures are super awesome. We really need to meet burrito number two!

Erin said...

Ack! They're SO CUTE!

Erica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erica said...

REALLY bad typing skills in that last comment of mine ;)
Love the last picture too-they're adorable! I think that Bribery Queen is a title we all earn once we're mothers because it's one of the few things that WORKS.

navajotwin said...

That last picture is adorable. :)

Claire Bertin said...

I love the pictures! They are so adorable! Thanks for sharing :)

Jess said...

The bribery was well worth it. :) Mission accomplished.

BTW--I think i might be traveling to Minnesota for a few days this fall...wanna meet up? I'll be in the Minneapolis area, but might rent a car and drive your way one afternoon... wadda ya think?