For Posterity's Sake
I honestly didn't think Asher would go through the "terrible twos" because he was just so sweet and adorable. Unfortunately, the second-birthday Grouch Fairy is impartial. So, in my attempt to love the two-year-old I have, rather than hoping to go into his room and find the 18-month-old I used to have, I've been trying to pay more attention to the things I enjoy about him and less attention to the things I don't. Here are a few of the things I've been savoring: Asher is pretty good at sharing. He likes to share his crackers with his toy cars. He likes to share his toy cars with Simon. He will sometimes even share things with other kids who are actually mobile. It's very sweet... except for when he tries to share his cashews with Simon by putting them directly into Simon's mouth.
He loves to lie next to Simon. Whenever I'm changing Simon's diaper or getting him dressed, Asher will say, "I want to lie down by Simon," and scooch right on in.
Asher is becoming very linguistically aware. He runs up to me multiple times a day to let me know how to say something in Spanish. "Pulpo. That's octopus in Spanish." or, while holding his toy airplane and an A-shaped cookie cutter, "A for avión. That's Spanish."
He currently loves the word "fantastic" and if he likes something he will say, "That was fantastic!" or "That's fantastico!"
He has started putting a lot more things together from different contexts. For example, the other day, I brought him a drink of water and he said, "thank you, thank you, Sam I Am." Another day, he saw an arrow painted on the ground and told me it was "just like Robin Hood shoots arrows!" He has started to say, "May I have _____ please?" all by himself some of the time.
He loves to sing to himself, but doesn't actually sing the notes. He just says all of the words to the songs he likes while he's looking at books or playing with his toys. He likes to "help" me do things, and while he does he will declare, "I'm helping us!"
Today, while listening to The Nutcracker, I had the following conversation with Asher: Asher: The violins are plucking. (My mom told him that when she was here a couple of weeks ago.)
Me: That's right. When they pluck, it's called pizzicato. Can you say pizzicato?
Asher: Pizzicato! That's what an avocado does.
Maybe two isn't so bad.
Adorable boy! Smart parents.
It's so nice to hear other moms are feeling the same way about their 2-year-olds. I feel like mine has one sole purpose in his life: drive mama nuts. He succeeds frequently. I like your idea to focus on this you like to try and block out some of the craziness!
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