Monday, May 17, 2010

Since You're Dying to Know

A Few Random Things: First, since I know you can't wait any longer to find out, we have named the new addition Simon Tyler. Second, I already know he likes me because when I change his diaper, I have no trouble, but everyone else, doctors, nurses, and daddies alike, seems to get pooped or peed on. Third, is it a bad sign if I have already wanted to kill my toddler multiple times since coming home from the hospital?


Bethany said...

Welcome to the realm of mothering a toddler and newborn. Sadly, the newborns really are much more lovable than the toddlers at times, aren't they?

Natalie said...

The toddler will get better. Tyson was super whiney for 5 weeks or so but is finally getting better.

Ashley Bybee Stepp said...

I feel so bad! I just read this today! YOU HAD YOUR BABY!!! Story was hilarious although I'm sure it was anything but funny in the moment. CONGRATS!!!