Monday, January 11, 2010


Well, we had the revelatory ultrasound, and it turns out that in a few months I am going to be seriously outnumbered around here. I figure that the only solution is to be girly enough for all four of us. Luckily, my mom gave me a head start on this by sending me some fabulous sparkly pink sweats with these matching fuzzy socks for Christmas.


Noelle said...

Congrats!!! I didn't know you were expecting!!!

Becca said...

yay for lotsa boys! :) haha. you'll have to get a girl kitten or something.

Bethany said...

Congratulations! It will be nice to use all the baby boy stuff again, I bet. Hope you're feeling weel.

Bethany said...

And by "weel" I mean "well."

Erin said...

Congrats! I'm hoping for a boy the next time myself...