Saturday, January 16, 2010

Frozen Wasteland

There is a playground near our apartment. It's just a couple of swings and a slide--nothing fancy--but Asher loves it. Since our return from sunny Florida, he has been asking to go to it on a daily basis. The other day I finally walked him over to it, just to see if it was even accessible. Unfortunately for Asher, the toddler swing was not only packed with snow, but also hovering just two or three inches above a two-foot-deep snowdrift. The slide, Asher's favorite part of the playground, was definitely a no-go. The entire bottom quarter of it was buried and it led straight into the six-foot snow mountain that had been plowed off of the adjacent parking lot. Asher took the disappointment pretty well, and we simply took our customary afternoon walk around the neighborhood. Don't worry, Asher. Here in Frozen Wasteland, I mean, Wisconsin, spring should be in full swing in just five short months. You can go down the slide then... if you even remember what it is by then.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Would this be the wrong time to mention that we were debating whether it was acceptable or not acceptable for our child to wear shorts today? Probably the wrong time. I won't mention it.