Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Moses Supposes

Asher loves looking at pictures of people. This, of course, includes pictures of friends, family members and himself, but it also includes pictures of Christ, Mary and Joseph, and the members of the first presidency of our church. Understandably, Asher has a rough time pronouncing President Uchtdorf's name (which comes out sounding more like "Uforf"), but for some reason President Monson's name also seems to give him trouble. This afternoon, as we browsed through the most recent edition of the Ensign, I tried--to no avail--to work on his elocution.
Me: Asher, say "mmmmmmmm"
Asher: mmmmmmmm
Me: Mmmmmmmonson
Asher: mmmmmm Conson
Oh well.
And here, for your viewing pleasure, is one happy burrito:


candice said...

ASher is soooooo cute!!! i love it! I wonder what tom tom will be like when he is that age...

and your apartment looks great, as a side note :)

Erin said...

I love the hoorays! I did not realize that he was a thumb sucker. Very cute:)

Becca said...

cute cute cute cute :) love him.

navajotwin said...

Ok, Angie and I just died. The we came back, only to watch that adorable video again. :) Now Angie wants a baby. But we're sticking with a puppy for the time being... ;)

Anonymous said...