Please forgive my ridiculously long posting hiatus. I blame it on the fact that we haven't had internet access, which I think is a pretty decent excuse. Now that we're back, first things first: I know that you've all been wondering how you could possibly survive any longer without a glimpse of the Burrito, so here you go:

Asher has become a talking maniac. He recently had a checkup and the pediatrician asked how many words he says. My response was, "uhhh....." "So more than twenty?" she asked. Yes, I would definitely say more than twenty. He is also becoming fairly bilingual and will say things in English to me but in Spanish to Hugh.

He also loves looking at pictures of people--friends, aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents, and, of course, himself. When he sees a picture, he will gleefully name all of the people in it. Often when he is doing something else, he will suddenly say, "picture? Uncle Ben?" or "picture? Candice?"

Asher is enamored of vehicles of all descriptions, but his very favorite kind is school buses. His favorite toy is a little plastic school bus and he loves the song, "The Wheels on the Bus." For some time his favorite verse was, of course, the horn, but he now seems to like the mommies verse and will throw "mommies, bus, sh, sh, sh" into conversations whenever he can.

Asher loves fallen leaves, pumpkins, and Christmas trees. He likes looking at pictures of Jesus, temples, and President Monson. He will sometimes keep his arms folded for most of a prayer if it's short. He loves fruit, avocadoes, olives, homemade pizza, and pasta of all kinds. He runs almost everywhere, likes pretending to be a tiger, gives and requests kisses, and likes to talk to Daddy on the phone. Some days he drives me crazy, but he sure is cute.

He is adorable, love the pictures.
You're back-hooray!! Love those baby blues in the last picture. Sounds like he's keeping you on your toes :>
Oh he is such a cutie! I can't believe how big he is!
I just can't get over those eyes in the last picture!
Worth the wait! And Mr. M is seriously considering talking to our baby girl only in Spanish. You're inspiring!
Don't forget to show him pictures of his Great Aunt Lisa and Great Uncle Vaughn!
He is adorable. Isn't the best - being parents?!
Love ya
Oh... I miss you guys... :) Guess we'll just have to come visit one of these days.
Hugs all around!
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