Thursday, June 18, 2009

Nothing Is Safe

Today, Asher climbed onto the kitchen table.
Once he had achieved this new height, he of course went directly for the food.
When I removed that temptation, he started toward the technology. Surprise, surprise.
Besides conquering the world of climbing, Asher has been adding a few other things to his bag of tricks lately. Here he is playing with his stacking toy. (We'll work on the order later.)
And here he is blowing bubbles in his bath water.
As you can see from that little salutation, he is also starting to say a few words (if you can call them words :) ). Besides "mama," "dada," and "bye," he says ball, bath, banana, (all some form of bah) dog (dah), more (muh), and done (duh).
What's more fun, in my opinion, is all of the things I can tell he understands. If you ask him to, he can (among other things) go to a certain room in the house, retrieve an object, take an object to a particular person, and point to a variety of things. He is also learning about how things are connected. If I tell him that something is hot, he will blow. If I tell him that we are going outside, he will sit and let me put his shoes on. If he sees a flower (a real one or a picture) he will put his face up to it, scrunch up his nose, and sniff. He has turned into a little learning machine. It makes me wonder how I wasn't bored out of my mind when all he did was lie there. (Okay, sometimes I was bored out of my mind, but not as often as I should have been.) It's amazing how those little "lumpy jellyfish," as Hugh calls newborns, turn into miniature human beings, and how no matter what you do to baby-proof your house, eventually, nothing is safe.


Noelle said...

Wow, he's growing so fast!! I love that he went right for the mac... ;)

Erin said...

I cannot wait to see him and YOU in July. Love those plaid shorts - he must be my mother's grandchild:)

candice said...

he is the cutest, and i am so impressed at his bubble blowing abilities --- he would be the star of any aqua tots class!

Ben said...

What's in July?

More! More! So cute :)