We walked up and down the six billion aisles that Toys R Us contains and selected exactly two toys for Asher's birthday: a red soccer ball, and a boat (complete with a smiling walrus) for the bath. We chose these particular toys because (and here we get to the crux of the matter) they were the two toys in all of that enormous toy store that most excited Hugh. I have no idea what is so exciting to a twenty-six year old male about a big plastic tug-boat, but I do know that the second that Hugh showed interest in a toy of any description, every cell in my body screamed, "Quick!!! Something that Hugh likes!! Buy it NOW!!!!"
Husbands of the world, what does this tell you? That you have vast quantities of untapped power waiting to be seized! If you have any kind of opinion regarding things like baby toys, baby clothes, which chick flick to watch, which article of clothing your wife should purchase or wear, which cute doodad you would prefer to have adorn that shelf in the living room, and a multiplicity of other similarly world-shaking topics, all you need to do is express it, and there is a good chance that your wife will melt into a subservient puddle and do exactly as you suggest. That is, unless your opinion is stupid. :)
Mr. M says that I ask his opinion all the time and then just do what I want anyway.
I bet Asher will also get excited about a red soccer ball and a smiling walrus on a boat for the bath. Can't wait to see pictures of the celebration!
I sort of feel the same way about the selection of salad dressing at the grocery store. Seriously. Do we really need to pick from 25 different kinds?
Enjoy Asher's 1st birthday!!
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