Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It Turns Out That I Am Amazing

Somehow, no matter how hard I try to keep it from happening, my house always turns into a total disaster area on Sundays.  I clean and scrub everything on Saturdays, and I often make an effort to tidy things up again on Sunday morning before church, but every Sunday night, things have somehow fallen apart completely.  Maybe the entropy gods have simply decreed that nothing will stay in its place on the first day of the week, or maybe the combination of Hugh being home all day and our collective we-just-made-it-through-another-week exhaustion can't help but lead to complete disarray. 
Most days, after Asher goes to bed and before I do, I go through the house and pick everything up so that I don't have to start my day in what looks like a tornado wake, but this last Sunday night I was just too tired and I told myself that sleep was more important than a tidy house.  Unfortunately, this meant that all of that mess that we made on Sunday afternoon was still there on Monday morning.  Luckily, I discovered yesterday that I am, in fact, Wonder Woman.  Besides getting the entire house cleaned up, I managed to do the last two thirds of a sewing project (I made myself a 'Yay!! It's finally spring!!' skirt, which I will wear this coming Sunday--the first official Sunday of spring--even if it snows.), and bake a batch of raspberry multi-grain muffins.  
What makes this even more amazing is the fact that I did almost all of it while Asher was napping because while he was awake I was too busy wrestling with him, reading him books, and dancing with him to Jack Johnson and the music from the Nutcracker.  ...And, this was all before 3:00PM, at which time we all went out for a lovely family home afternoon, during which we stopped at Old Navy, where, in a further burst of I-love-spring fervor, I got myself some new flip-flops. :)  (Ah, Old Navy, where you can, for only two dollars and fifty cents, walk on little pieces of happiness in the color of your choice. :) ) So, there you have it.  I am officially amazing. 
On a completely unrelated note, over the last couple of days Asher has gone from knowing how to walk but still doing a lot of crawling, to walking everywhere.  Apparently he has decided that crawling is for squares, and therefore, no matter how many times he falls down, he stands right back up again ready for more. 


Erin said...

I completely agree - you are amazing! At my house, we don't have entropy gods; we just have boys.

Ben said...

Crawling is totally for squares, daddy-o.

navajotwin said...

You know Kristi, ironically enough, there is a possibility of snow Sunday night... I think the entropy gods and meteorology gods are conspiring together against you this coming Sunday evening. :( But, then again, I could be wrong... It's happened before ;)

Sara Hammond said...

You know, maybe you were just more focused or blessed because you took that extra bit of time on Sunday. I am so happy to hear about the exciting things happening in your family.
Sara Hammond

Arica said...

I KNEW IT. I knew a very witty person (like yourself) would have to have her own piece of the online world for describing the usual & unusuals of everyday life. :) you have such an amazing style of describing things..

..i look forward to stopping by on a regular basis. :)